Halt your left foot on one shore,
your right foot on another.
Run the red ferry.
Exchange a tree for someone saying tree.
Exchange someone saying tree for someone laughing.
Exchange someone laughing for a small breeze.
Cry with one eye
(moon through rain).
EEEE says the eye chart.
Use a coin
to pick something up.
Rub a map with a sponge.
Ask a stranger
2 ways to a river.
Dangle a hose between your legs.
You’ve already killed one tree this way.
Swallow a ribbon until it strangles itself.
Each time you drop something,
swallow your spit.
All images are from the series Unfolding: Untitled, archival pigment print.
You can see more at: MattRoberts.info TerriWitek.com